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Title: CBT for Chronic Illness & Palliative Care: A Workbook and Toolkit
Publication date: 08/04/2008
Imprint: WILEY
Price: $79.95
Publishing status: Active
There is a growing awareness of the need to address the psychological distress associated with physical ill health; however, current resources are limited and difficult to access. The best way to tackle the issue is by enhancing the skills of those professionals who have routine contact with them. CBT provides the evidence-based skills that most readily meet these requirements in a time and cost efficient manner. Based on materials prepared for a Cancer Network sponsored training programme and modified to address the needs of a larger client population of people experiencing psychological distress due to physical ill-health, this innovative workbook offers a basic introduction and guide to enable healthcare professionals to build an understanding of the relevance and application of CBT methods in everyday clinical practice.
ISBN: 9780470517079
Weight: 678g
Dimension: 243mm X 177mm
Pages: 386