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Clinical Paradigms of Melanie Klein and Donald Winnicott: Comparisons and Dialogues


Clinical Paradigms of Melanie Klein and Donald Winnicott: Comparisons and Dialogues

SKU: 9781782203100 Category: Product ID: 156046


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Title: Clinical Paradigms of Melanie Klein and Donald Winnicott: Comparisons and Dialogues
Publication date: 15/11/2017
Price: $56.99
Publishing status: Active

The main aims of this book are to introduce the distinctive clinical paradigms of Melanie Klein and Donald Winnicott, to compare and contrast the way in which their theories evolved, and to present a dialogue between Hinshelwood and Abram on the concepts of their respective chapters.
The book is presented in five parts, each with two chapters by Hinshelwood and Abram on five chosen topics: Basic Principles, Early psychic development, the role of the external object, the psychoanalytical concept of psychic pain, and practice and theory. After the pair of chapters in each part, a summary of the main points is presented followed by a dialogue between Abram and Hinshelwood about each other’s chapter.
The readership intended is both those coming new to psychoanalytic ideas, who will gain an introduction to both these schools of British Object Relations psychoanalysis, and also those experienced psychoanalysts who wish to develop an understanding of how the conceptualisations of these two schools might be compared and contrasted.

ISBN: 9781782203100
Pages: 256