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Title: Collins World Atlas: Paperback Edition [12th Edition]
Author: Collins Maps
Publication date: 26/04/2016
Price: $16.00
Publishing status: Active
The clear and detailed mapping in this bestselling Collins world atlas has been brought fully up-to-date to reflect all recent geopolitical changes. Great value and contains all the world maps you need in a budget atlas, for family, study and business use. Key features of this atlas include:• Fully revised, detailed reference maps of the world• Map of the world’s countries and physical features• Introductory section includes facts on all the countries of the world, including flags, area, population, capital city, languages, religions and currency• Map of the world’s time zones• Over 10,000 index entriesA new, fully updated edition of this bestselling atlas of the world.
ISBN: 9780008158514
Weight: 298gr
Dimension: 314mm X 227mm