
Complete Novels of Jane Austen Collection: Boxed Set


Complete Novels of Jane Austen Collection: Boxed Set

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SKU: 9781840227482 Category: Product ID: 80991


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Title: Complete Novels of Jane Austen Collection: Boxed Set
Publication date: 01/07/2017
Price: $65.00
Publishing status: Active

Jane enjoyed social events, and her early letters tell of dances and parties; however, there is
little solid evidence of any serious courtship with men, apart from a mutual flirtation with an
Irishman Thomas Lefroy and an unsubstantiated story of a holiday romance with ‘a young man’,
who supposedly told Jane, when parting at the end of the holiday, that he would seek her out
again. However, they heard a little time later that he had died.
In 1801 when Jane’s father retired, the family moved to Bath, and then in 1806 to Southampton.
Three years later, together with her sister and mother, she moved to Chawton, near Alton and
Winchester, where her brother Edward provided a small house on one of his estates. She
remained there for the rest of her life until she died on Friday 18th July 1817 aged 41. It was not
known what caused her death, but it seems likely that it was Addison’s disease.
Her literary career began at the age of fifteen, when she started work on her Juvenilia, which
were written between 1787 and 1793, they are collected in three volumes and were originally
written for the amusement of her family.
Earlier versions of her novels were all begun and worked on from 1795 to 1799. Sense and
Sensibility was finally published in 1811, Pride and Prejudice in 1813, Mansfield Park in 1814,
Emma in 1816. Northanger Abbey and Persuasion were both published posthumously in 1818. In
her works she generally portrayed small groups of people in a limited environment, and moulding
the trivial incidents of their lives into a comedy of manners. Most of her characters are
middle-class in constant pursuit of courtship and marriage.
Boxed Set includes:
• Sense and Sensibility
• Pride and Prejudice
• Mansfield Park
• Persuasion
• Northanger Abbey
• Lady Susan and Other Works

ISBN: 9781840227482