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Damascus Road, The


Damascus Road, The

SKU: 9780307386205 Category: Product ID: 20630


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Title: Damascus Road, The
Publication date: 17/03/2020
Price: $33.00
Publishing status: Active

In the years after Christ’s crucifixion, Paul of Tarsus, a prosperous tentmaker and Jewish scholar, took it upon himself to persecute the small groups of his followers that sprung up. But on the road to Damascus, he had some sort of blinding vision, a profound conversion experience that transformed Paul into the most effective and influential messenger Christianity has ever had. In The Damascus Road novelist Jay Parini brings this fascinating and ever-controversial figure to full human life, capturing his visionary passions and vast contradictions.
In relating Paul’s epic journeys, both geographical and spiritual, Parini unfolds a vivid panorama of the ancient world on the verge of epochal change. And in the alternating voice of the Gospel writer Luke, Paul’s travel companion, scribe, and ghostwriter, a cooler perspective on his actions and beliefs emerges–ironic but still filled with wonder at Paul’s unshakable commitment to the Christ and his divinity.

ISBN: 9780307386205
Pages: 368