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Title: Extremely Inconvenient Adventures of Bronte Mettlestone, The: 1 Bronte Mettlestone
Illustrator: CANBY KELLY (ILL)
Publication date: 25/10/2017
Imprint: ALLEN & UNWIN
Price: $25.00
Publishing status: Active
Here, Jaclyn Moriarty brings the warmth and
easy flow of her YA novels to her first book
for middle readers. After being abandoned
by her parents as a baby, 10-year-old Bronte
Mettlestone is sent on a quest as outlined in
her parents’ will – she must deliver gifts to
10 aunts scattered across an island country.
Her adventures include pirates, sea sprites
and faery magic – and a lot of bravery,
cleverness and empathy. This is a great
long read for kids who love curling up and
losing themselves in a gentle but attention-
grabbing alternative universe. 10+.
Series: Bronte Mettlestone
ISBN: 9781760297176
Dimension: 210mm X 135mm
Pages: 400