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Field Guide to Melancholy, A


Field Guide to Melancholy, A

SKU: 9781843446231 Category: Product ID: 155518


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Title: Field Guide to Melancholy, A
Publication date: 01/01/2016
Price: $20.00
Publishing status: Active

A depressive illness or a passing feeling? Mental detachment or a precursor to genius? Melancholy is a critical part of what it is to be human, yet everything from Prozac to self help psychology books seems intent on removing all signs of sadness, depression, or, quite simply, low moods from contemporary existence. Complex and contradictory, melancholy's presence weaves through the histories of both science and art.

A Field Guide to Melancholy surveys this ambivalent concept and takes a journey through its articulation in a variety of languages.

By drawing on a range of disciplines from psychology and philosophy to architecture and design, and by examining the work of creative figures as different as Ingmar Bergman, Albrecht Dürer, WG Sebald and Tom Waits, Jacky Bowring provides an original perspective on one of the most elusive, enigmatic and fascinating of human conditions.

ISBN: 9781843446231
Dimension: 198mm X 129mm

Additional information

Dimensions 198 × 129 mm