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Title: Greek Pilgrimage: In Search of the Foundations of the West
Publication date: 25/10/2010
Imprint: SCRIBE
Price: $30.00
Publishing status: Active
This is a travel book in the grand sense. The horizons it explores are of land and sea, and of the mind.
Greek Pilgrimage is a meditation on classical Greece, journeying through its great sites, monuments, and cultural works. On the way, it examines the country’s pivotal role in the foundation of the modern world. We who are born into the West are all Greeks. Here lie our roots.
The ancient Greeks invite us to think about who we are, and the best ways to organise ourselves, to build institutions, and to make our cities beautiful. They lead us into a sceptical orientation to ourselves and the world we inhabit, questioning the meaning of it all. They have bequeathed to
ISBN: 9781921640742
Pages: 192