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Title: How to Get a Ph.D.: A Handbook for Students and Their Supervisors
Publication date: 01/08/2015
Price: $67.95
Publishing status: Active
Amazon reviews for the previous edition: “5.0 out of 5 stars. Highly recommended.” “Clear, accessible and good fun to read. Very informative and I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking for an introductory guide about doing a PhD.” “5.0 out of 5 stars. Gold dust.” “This excellent text is informative, entertaining, and for those students on the Long and (relatively) Lonely PhD journey, perhaps the most useful tool (apart from data, of course). It helped me and many of my fellow academics (and students) through our PhDs. Strongly recommended :).” “5.0 out of 5 stars. Great book to read.” “This is a great a book to read. I feel as if I have done the Ph.D. already. It’s a mind-blowing book full of tips and ideas to engage in a good research.” “Really clear, easy to read and lots of useful hints and guidance. Would recommend it for anyone serious about completing their PhD.” How to Get a PhD has long been regarded as the essential handbook for PhD students everywhere. It provides a practical, down-to-earth and realistic approach to studying for a PhD and offers support and reassurance for both students and supervisors.This brand new sixth edition has been thoroughly updated and revised throughout, and includes: New material on how PhD students can make use of online forums, social media, online survey tools and other technologies throughout the PhD process A new Chapter 10, ‘Some challenges you may encounter throughout your PhD’ includes practical advice for tackling prejudice and dealing with the pressures that can face early career researchers Expanded material on avoiding plagiarism and poor academic practice and increased coverage of issues faced by part-time PhD students The book retains its focus on delivering clear and practical advice, including tips for writing proposals and applying for funding, managing your time, writing an engaging PhD, and handling the viva.
Long regarded as the PhD ‘bible’, this edition is brought right up-to-date for today’s student, retaining the straightforward and practical approach that has made it indispensable for students and supervisors across all academic disciplines.
ISBN: 9780335264124
Weight: 890g
Dimension: 91mm X 59mm
Pages: 280