
Insights & Reflections


Insights & Reflections

SKU: 9781925642025 Category: Product ID: 12653


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Title: Insights & Reflections
Publication date: 15/07/2017
Price: $29.99
Publishing status: Active

Phillip Adams, the occasionally controversial but undeniably prolifi c writer and broadcaster, has collected his favourite nsights and refl ections from previous columns and speeches in this generous volume spanning 2003 to the present day.
Adams’ social commentary has been a part of the Australian cultural landscape for decades, and here he dives into wide-ranging topics from the dying art of the circus to the threat of global warming.
This volume includes thoughts on: The notorious Melbourne underworld figure Billy `The Texan’ Longley, The War in Iraq, The power of the human brain, world leaders including Donald Trump and Malcolm Turnball, The Queen and
the Republic, The 2016 Census, and many more. — Phillip Adams AO FAHA has received a record-breaking six honorary doctorates from major universities. Elected as one of Australia’s offi cial National Living Treasures in a poll conducted by the National Trust, he has received two Orders of Australia, and was elected to the Media Hall of Fame.

ISBN: 9781925642025
Dimension: 210mm X 138mm
Pages: 288

Additional information

Dimensions 210 × 138 mm