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Title: MindShift to a Better Place
Publication date: 01/02/2020
Imprint: ABC BOOKS
Price: $33.00
Publishing status: Active
Your guide to creating lasting change, self-worth and positive mental health We are a society that no longer takes mental health for granted. We’ve come a long way from the ‘get over it’ mentality that forced many of us to try to deal with our problems alone. Treatment options have become better and more sophisticated, and we now work actively to prevent mental health conditions. At the core of good mental health is self-worth. Someone with healthy self-worth is more likely to have better coping skills, greater resilience and the ability to maintain long-term positive mental health.The MindShift Foundation, led by founder and CEO Elizabeth Venzin, is an advocate for preventative healthcare and healthy self-worth in all people. Prevention and education are the keys to understanding mental health. In this book you’ll find tools and resources to grow your self-worth or assist someone you care about with theirs. MindShift to a Better Place helps you identify the signs of low self-worth and guides you on how and where to seek appropriate treatment. There’s no shame in asking for help if the result is a confident, healthy and happy person with a better outlook on life. MindShift to a Better Place will help you take those steps forward to enhanced wellbeing and a more fulfilling life.
ISBN: 9780733340451