
Stolen Child, The


Stolen Child, The

SKU: 9781474603805 Category: Product ID: 82343


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Title: Stolen Child, The
Publication date: 12/01/2017
Price: $33.00
Publishing status: Active

On an island where dreams can come true be careful what you wish for St Brigid’s is a remote island off the west coast of Ireland. It is a barren place and its small community is dwindling. But according to rumour it is a magical place, home to a healing well. Two sisters, Rose and Emer, have resisted the call of the mainland. Rose is beautiful, blessed with love and many children. Emer is unlovely and, worse still, she is cursed – by the strange currents which run through her fingers. When a dazzling stranger alights on St Brigid’s, she is shunned. She has come in search of a miracle, and the islanders keep their secrets close. But gradually she insinuates her way into the sisters’ lives, and even Emer opens her heart. Little do they realise that her quest will endanger the lives of all who remain on the island.

ISBN: 9781474603805
Dimension: 234mm X 153mm
Pages: 336

Additional information

Dimensions 234 × 153 mm