Title: Sun & Her Flowers, The
Publication date: 03/10/2017
Price: $27.00
Publishing status: Active
A new collection from the author of the acclaimed Mil & Honey, this volume of poetry celebrates love inall its forms & is illustrated by Kaur herself.
From Rupi Kaur, the top ten Sunday Times bestselling author of milk and honey, comes her long-awaited second collection of poetry. Illustrated by Kaur, the sun and her flowers is a journey of wilting, falling, rooting, rising and blooming. It is a celebration of love in all its forms. this is the recipe of life said my mother as she held me in her arms as i wept think of those flowers you plantin the garden each year they will teach youthat people toomust wiltfallrootrisein order to bloom Praise for Sunday Times bestseller milk and honey: `Kaur is at the forefront of a poetry renaissance’ Observer `Kaur made her name with poems about love, life and grief. They resonate hugely’ Sunday Times `Poems tackling feminism, love, trauma and healing in short lines as smooth as pop music’ New York Times `Caught the imagination of a large, atypical poetry audience…Kaur knows the good her poetry does: it saves lives’ Evening Standard `Breathing new life into poetry…It has people reading, and listening’ The Pool
ISBN: 9781471165825
Edition: 01