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Yours Troolie, Alice Toolie


Yours Troolie, Alice Toolie

2 in stock

SKU: 9781760523756 Category: Product ID: 29045


Title: Yours Troolie, Alice Toolie
Illustrator: WEST GRACE (ILL)
Publication date: 25/07/2018
Imprint: ALLEN & UNWIN
Price: $16.00
Publishing status: Active

Something very bad has happened to Alice Toolie. Her very secret diary (with a super cute picture of a baby hedgehog on the cover) has been read by her very worst enemy–Jimmy Cook. It’s war! Until Ms Fennel decides that Alice and Jimmy need to make peace. She insists that they become pen pals for the term to try and work out their differences . . . or find their similarities. Alice and Jimmy set off to navigate the choppy waters of third grade–including a ghostly mystery and a big school fete–through two very different sets of eyes. When these sworn enemies combine their many magnificent talents, it can only end in hilarious fun, spooky and gloopy disaster!

ISBN: 9781760523756
Dimension: 198mm X 128mm
Edition: 01

Additional information

Dimensions 198 × 128 mm