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Aliens: Bishop


Aliens: Bishop

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SKU: 9781803364513 Category: Product ID: 803657


Title: Aliens: Bishop
Author: NAPPER T R
Publication date: 05/03/2024
Price: $40.00
Publishing status: Active

A direct sequel to Aliens and Alien 3 – Weyland-Yutani, the Colonial Marines, and Bishop’s creator all pursue the android for the deadly Xenomorph data contained in his brain. Written by T. R. Napper, author of the acclaimed 36 Streets, whose explosive work explores the artificial intelligence and what it is to be human.

The USCSS Patna has been found.

Although the synthetic Bishop asked to be shut down forever, his creator has other plans. Michael Bishop seeks the Xenomorph knowledge stored in the android’s mind, and brings Bishop back to life – but for what reason? No longer an employee of the Weyland-Yutani
Corporation, Michael tells his creation that he seeks to advance medical research for the benefit of humanity. Yet where does he get the resources needed to advance his work, and with whom
do his new allegiances lie?

The USCSS Patna is pursued by Colonial Marines Captain Marcel Apone, commander of the Il Conde and younger brother of Master Sergeant Alexander Apone, one of the casualties of the doomed mission to LV-426. Also on his trail are the ‘Dog Catchers’, commandos employed by

Review: 36 Streets glows bright and hallucinatory as tropical neon, goes down smooth as warm sake, cuts deep as a nano-steel blade. Raw and raging and passionate, this is cyberpunk literature with a capital fucken L.-Richard Morgan, author of Altered Carbon Brutal, brooding, brilliant… an angry vision of violence wrapped around a complex meditation of memory, trauma and hegemony. This is cyberpunk with soul.-Yudhanjaya Wijeratne, author of The Salvage Crew Intricately plotted, using advanced biotechnology, a close investigation into Vietnamese history and culture, and a hard-edged, complicated lead character-Booklist A gripping near-future cyberthriller-Publishers Weekly In 36 Streets, Napper brings a Richard K. Morgan style SF noir detective story onto the streets of Vietnam. It’s an excellent, morose, beautiful in the horror of life, brutal, action packed, and gorgeous read.-Grimdark Magazine Filled with Kill Bill-style flashback training montages and complex geopolitical plot mechanics, 36 Streets is brimming with new and inventive ideas on how to deliver a gripping sci-fi thriller.-SciFiNow T. R. Napper’s cyberpunk world is a feral, back-alley brawl of a novel with real blood under its nails.-Jeremy Szal, author of Stormblood High-octane, immersive SF at its best.-Kaaron Warren, Shirley Jackson Award-winner

Author Biography: T. R. Napper is an award-winning author whose stories have appeared in Asimov’s, Interzone, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, and others, and been translated into Hebrew, German, French, and Vietnamese. His first novel was the acclaimed 36 Streets. Before turning to writing, Napper was a diplomat and aid worker in Southeast Asia. Back in Australia, he works as a dungeon master running campaigns for young people with autism.

Series: Aliens
ISBN: 9781803364513
Weight: 442gr
Dimension: 203mm X 139mm
Edition: 01

Additional information

Weight 442 g
Dimensions 203 × 139 mm