Freadom Inside Project
Freadom Inside is a project that allows people to buy books to donate directly to the women currently incarcerated in New South Wales.
The Corrective Services library service noticed requests for reading materials skyrocketed during the COVID-19 lockdown and whilst they are able to meet requests, we all know how wonderful it is to have access to great new books. Through consultation with the Women’s Justice Network’s Advisory Panel, women who have previously been incarcerated have been able to make a list of books and authors that they would have appreciated receiving when they were inside. This list has been checked by the Corrective Services library team to make sure the donations can be accepted. As you can see, women inside have the same varied and voracious appetites as the rest of us. Donating a children’s book will allow a woman inside to read a bedtime story to a child outside via video call, the latest thrillers offer hours of escape, and something like The Barefoot Investor helps for future planning. Gleebooks is delighted to facilitate the program and we’re providing free shipping for these donations to get to the central library for distribution – just use the code freadom at the checkout.
The Women’s Justice Network (WJN) is a grassroots community organisation committed to advancing the prospects and wellbeing of women and girls affected or at risk of the criminal justice system. Their vision is that all women and girls affected or at risk of the criminal justice system live free from violence and discrimination, benefit from adequate living standards, are treated with dignity and respect and are empowered to secure and preserve their individual rights. Engaging programs like this one, and maintaining strong connections with the community, helps with the wellbeing of incarcerated woman and reduces recidivism.
Author and journalist Bri Lee established the Freadom Inside project in direct and ongoing consultation with Women’s Justice Network, Gleebooks, and the Corrective Services library service. Together they are working towards a program of bookclubs and other reading programs for incarcerated women and youth.
To take part in the Freadom Inside Project simply add a book or books from the selection below. When you get to the checkout be sure to enter the freadom coupon code. This will ensure that a special Women’s Justice Network delivery option is visible. Be sure to select this WJN postage option and our staff will do the rest. You don’t need to provide a delivery address; we’ll confirm your order, despatch the titles you’ve selected to Corrective Services free-of-charge and we’ll keep you updated if there is any delay. If you wish to order books for yourself as well as the Freadom Project, please leave instructions for us in the order notes on the checkout page.
In addition to book donations, WJN is also fundraising to run a year of book club programs for women inside NSW correctional facilities, and your support is equally appreciated. To make a donation visit the mycause crowdfunding campaign page. Donations over $2 are tax deductible and donations over $50 receive a thank-you card with an artwork and message by a woman or girl inside.