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Alien Worlds


Alien Worlds

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SKU: 9781838934767 Category: Product ID: 720705


Title: Alien Worlds
Illustrator: 200 INTEGRATED COL
Publication date: 01/08/2023
Imprint: UNKNOWN
Price: $70.00
Publishing status: Active

An ambitious and beautifully illustrated account of the evolution and biology of insects.

Insects are the busy, teeming arthropods on whose activities much of life on earth depends, and whose global populations are currently under the gravest of threats with unimaginable consequences for us all.

In Alien Worlds, Steve Nicholls explores what insects are, and why there are so many of them; the impact on insects (the only flying invertebrates) of the possession of wings; and the extraordinary sensory world of insects.

Drawing on an insect TV series produced by Steve’s production company, this book will offer a winning fusion of glorious imagery and fine biological writing by an entomological specialist who writes both entertainingly and with authentic scientific rigour and who happens to be a brilliant photographer into the bargain.

ISBN: 9781838934767
Dimension: 9in X 6in
Pages: 496