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Amazing Women of the Middle East


Amazing Women of the Middle East

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SKU: 9781838365165 Categories: , Product ID: 587621


Title: Amazing Women of the Middle East
Illustrator: MEZA ESTELí
Publication date: 01/02/2023
Price: $25.00
Publishing status: Active

Discover the Amazing Queen of Sheba, dive into the musical world of singer Fairuz, and meet Nadia Murad, an outstanding Nobel Peace Prize winner.

This collection of 25 short biographies, illustrated in different styles by five talented artists, reveals how these fascinating women achieved their goals, with a strong sense of purpose, courage and not a little determination.

Shining a light on well known and lesser known lives, there is something here for every reader's interest.

A glossary helps the younger reader with terms.

The paperback edition has been updated to include new achievements and roles that the contemporary women have taken on.

The map is FULLY labelled, and advice from a professional cartographer was followed.

Wafa updated her Introduction to ensure it is understood that the selection of amazing women is just that not comprehensive.

ISBN: 9781838365165
Weight: 190000gr
Dimension: 230mm X 190mm

Additional information

Weight 190000 g
Dimensions 230 × 190 mm