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Do Earth: Healing Strategies for Humankind


Do Earth: Healing Strategies for Humankind

SKU: 9781914168000 Category: Product ID: 370725


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Title: Do Earth: Healing Strategies for Humankind
Publication date: 02/09/2021
Imprint: DO BOOK CO
Price: $27.00
Publishing status: Active

We know there’s a climate emergency but what does that mean we should do? What does a ‘better future’ look like and how do we get there? Having spent over a decade on the frontlines of climate activism – organising, campaigning, and holding the powerful to account – Tamsin Omond discovered first-hand that this crisis is too big for one group of activists to solve. It needs everyone. Do Earth is about collective action and community engagement. It’s about healing our relationships with nature, each other and ourselves; and feeling inspired about what the next phase of human evolution might be. With practical guidance and gentle encouragement, Do Earth provides a blueprint for reimagining the world and reviving our beautiful planet.

ISBN: 9781914168000
Dimension: 178mm X 120mm
Pages: 136
Edition: 01

Additional information

Dimensions 178 × 120 mm