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SKU: 9781780336183 Category: Product ID: 94810


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Title: Galore
Publication date: 20/12/2003
Imprint: CORSAIR
Price: $26.99
Publishing status: INDENT ONLY

An intricate family saga and love story spanning two centuries, Galore is a portrait of the improbable medieval world that was rural Newfoundland, a place almost too harrowing and extravagant to be real. Remote and isolated, exposed to savage extremes of climate and fate, the people of Paradise Deep persist in a realm where the line between the everyday and the otherworldly is impossible to distinguish.

Propelled by the disputes and alliances, grievances and trade-offs that bind the Sellers and Devine families through generations, Galore is alive with singular characters, and an uncommon insight into the complexities of human nature.

Sprawling and intimate, stark and fantastical, Galore is a novel about the power of stories to shape and sustain us. This is Michael Crummey’s most ambitious and accomplished work to date.

ISBN: 9781780336183
Weight: 472g
Dimension: 154mm X 234mm
Pages: 352

Additional information

Weight 472 g
Dimensions 154 × 234 mm