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Gum: The story of eucalypts & their champions


Gum: The story of eucalypts & their champions

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SKU: 9781742237534 Category: Product ID: 279070


Title: Gum: The story of eucalypts & their champions
Publication date: 01/11/2021
Price: $33.00
Publishing status: Active

No matter where you look in Australia, you're more than likely to see a eucalyptus tree. Scrawny or majestic, smooth as pearl or rough as a pub brawl, they have defined a continent for thousands of years, and they continue to shape our imagination.

First Nations Australians have long known the abilities of the eucalyptus. And as part of the raft of changes wrought by the arrival of colonial Australia, botanists have battled in a race to count, classify and own the species a battle that has lasted more than two hundred years.

Gum: The Story of Eucalypts and Their Champions is the story of that battle and of so many other eucalyptographers explorers, poets, painters, foresters, conservationists, scientists (and engine drivers) who have also been obsessed by these trees and who have championed their powers. Gum trees have been feted as a cure for malaria, as a solution for the drainage problems that defeated the Roman emperors, as the tree that could forest the Sahara, the tree that could divine gold. This new edition of Gum, from award-winning author Ashley Hay, is a powerful and lyrical exploration of these magical, mythical, medicinal trees, and the story of new worlds, curious people and big ideas.

ISBN: 9781742237534
Dimension: 210mm X 135mm
Edition: 01

Additional information

Dimensions 210 × 135 mm