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How to Organise & Operate a Small Business in Australia: Turning Ideas into Success: 12th Edition


How to Organise & Operate a Small Business in Australia: Turning Ideas into Success: 12th Edition

SKU: 9781032676593 Category: Product ID: 803100


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Title: How to Organise & Operate a Small Business in Australia: Turning Ideas into Success: 12th Edition
Publication date: 24/05/2024
Price: $39.99
Publishing status: NOT YET PUBLISHED

You have an idea for a business,but you’re not sure where to begin. Or perhaps you have made a start, but you’re not sure what to do next. It’s a common dilemma shared by everyone who has been down the same path. Where can I go for help? What are my legal obligations? How do I start making sales? How can I use digital marketing? How do I organise my operations? What’s involved in employing staff? How do I handle my finances?

How to Organise and Operate a Small Business in Australia is your hands-on guide to running your own business. This new 12th edition contains information, skills, and ideas that are up to date, easy to understand, and simple to use. It reflects fundamental changes that have taken place as a result of the pandemic and the surge in small business digital technology. A feature of this new edition is a series of reflective exercises designed to help you evaluate your business ideas for their commercial potential.

Used by tens of thousands of Australians to become self-employed, this new 12th edition is the most comprehensive small business handbook in Australia. An essential read for anyone who wants to have a business of their own.

ISBN: 9781032676593
Dimension: 234mm X 156mm
Pages: 296
Edition: 12

Additional information

Dimensions 234 × 156 mm