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Improvise! Use the secrets of improv to achieve extraordinary results at work


Improvise! Use the secrets of improv to achieve extraordinary results at work

SKU: 9781785786877 Category: Product ID: 195382


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Title: Improvise! Use the secrets of improv to achieve extraordinary results at work
Publication date: 02/07/2021
Imprint: ICON
Price: $23.00
Publishing status: Active

Improv performers look like creative geniuses, coming up with brilliant comedy on the spur of the moment. But they rely on some simple rules and techniques – ones which anyone can learn, and which can help us offstage to think creatively, collaborate with others and communicate with impact.

will show you how to handle whatever comes your way at work – from giving confident presentations and handling difficult conversations to coming up with great ideas and persuading others to make them happen.

Comedian and improvisation for business coach Max Dickins combines examples from the world of work with exercises from the stage to teach you how to achieve extraordinary results with what you’ve already got.

ISBN: 9781785786877
Dimension: 198mm X 129mm
Pages: 320

Additional information

Dimensions 198 × 129 mm