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In Moonland


In Moonland

SKU: 9781925322927 Category: Product ID: 304065


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Title: In Moonland
Publication date: 31/08/2021
Imprint: SCRIBE
Price: $30.00
Publishing status: Active

‘A parent’s love for a child, you probably know this yourself, it’s pretty bottomless. It goes down into the guts of the world. But a child’s love for a parent is different. It goes up. It’s more ethereal. It’s not quite present on the earth.’

‘A parent’s love for a child, you probably know this yourself, it’s pretty bottomless. It goes down into the guts of the world. But a child’s love for a parent is different. It goes up. It’s more ethereal. It’s not quite present on the earth.’

In present-day Melbourne, a man attempts to piece together the mystery of his father’s apparent suicide, as his young family slowly implodes. At the ashram of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, in 1976, a man searching for salvation must confront his capacity for violence and darkness. And in a not-too-distant future, a woman with a life-altering decision to make travels through a climate-ravaged landscape to visit her estranged father.

In Moonland is a portrait of three generations, each grappling with their own mortality. Spanning the wild idealism of the 70s through to the fragile hope of the future, it is a novel about the struggle for transcendence and the reverberating effects of family bonds. This long-awaited second outing from Miles Allinson, the multi-award-winning author of Fever of Animals, will affirm his reputation as one of Australia’s most interesting contemporary fiction writers, and urge us to see our own political and environmental reality in a new light.

Praise for Fever of Animals

‘The play between truth and fiction, between the writing self and the self written, is one of the great pleasures of Fever of Animals … audacious, clever, and original.’
Australian Book Review

Praise for Fever of Animals

‘This is the book on everyone’s lips right now … Offbeat and superbly written.’
-Canberra Weekly

ISBN: 9781925322927
Pages: 256