
Living on Stolen Land


Living on Stolen Land

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SKU: 9781925936247 Categories: , , Product ID: 11686


Title: Living on Stolen Land
Publication date: 01/07/2020
Price: $25.00
Publishing status: Active

*Longlisted for the 2021 ABIAs: Small Publishers' Adult Book of the Year*

You are on Indigenous lands,
swimming in Indigenous waters,
looking up at Indigenous skies. 

Living on Stolen Land is a prose-styled look at our colonial-settler 'present'. This book is the first of its kind to address and educate a broad audience about the colonial contextual history of Australia, in a highly original way. It pulls apart the myths at the heart of our nationhood, and challenges Australia to come to terms with its own past and its place within and on 'Indigenous Countries'. 

This title speaks to many First Nations' truths stolen lands, sovereignties, time, decolonisation, First Nations perspectives, systemic bias and other constructs that inform our present discussions and ever-expanding understanding. This title is a timely, thought-provoking and accessible read.

ISBN: 9781925936247
Dimension: 198mm X 145mm
Edition: 01

Additional information

Dimensions 198 × 145 mm