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Mansfield Park: Norton Critical Editions


Mansfield Park: Norton Critical Editions

SKU: 9780393967913 Category: Product ID: 317797


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Title: Mansfield Park: Norton Critical Editions
Publication date: 04/03/1998
Imprint: NORTON
Price: $29.95
Publishing status: Active

Supporting materials include an introduction, annotations, and a map.
\”Contexts\” includes contemporary materials on the slave trade, religion, conduct literature for women, and landscape design that illuminate this dark and often disturbing novel.
Elizabeth Inchbald’s adaptation of Lovers’ Vows (the play staged by the characters in Mansfield Park) is included, as are writings by Humphry Repton, Thomas Gisborne, Hannah More, and Mary Wollstonecraft, among others.
\”Criticism\” presents a superb selection of critical writing about the novel.
The critics include Jan Fergus, Lionel Trilling, Alistair Duckworth, Nina Auerebach, Claudia L. Johnson, Joseph Litvak, Edward Said, B. C. Southam, and Joseph Lew.
A Chronology and Selected Bibliography are included.

Series: Norton Critical Editions
ISBN: 9780393967913
Weight: 448g
Dimension: 213mm X 130mm
Pages: 544

Additional information

Weight 448 g
Dimensions 213 × 130 mm