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Mycocultural Revolution, The: Transforming Our World with Mushrooms, Lichens, & Other Fungi


Mycocultural Revolution, The: Transforming Our World with Mushrooms, Lichens, & Other Fungi

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SKU: 9781621065142 Category: Product ID: 387319


Title: Mycocultural Revolution, The: Transforming Our World with Mushrooms, Lichens, & Other Fungi
Publication date: 10/03/2022
Price: $25.00
Publishing status: Active

Practice radical mycology and learn mushroom lore.

Discover the glorious world of mushrooms, lichens, and micro fungi, as described by Peter McCoy, one of today’s foremost experts in the field. Covering the essential information and skills for identifying, cultivating, and celebrating the uniqueness of fungi, this book enables anyone to quickly and easily engage in the art and science of mycology-the study of fungi. Mycology offers vast opportunities to enhance our lives, support our communities, and heal the environment. This first-of-its-kind introductory text is accessible for anyone just getting started in mycology, as well as for those seeking a fresh perspective on this important science.

Learn general mycological facts, essential information and skills for identifying common mushroom types, foraging tips, delicious recipes, a growing guide, mycoremediation (using fungi to treat contaminated areas in our environment), mushroom-based crafts, and so much more!

ISBN: 9781621065142
Dimension: 178mm X 127mm
Pages: 128
Edition: 01

Additional information

Dimensions 178 × 127 mm