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No Plan At All: How the Danish Printshop of Niels Borch Jensen Redefined Artists’ Prints for the Contemporary World


No Plan At All: How the Danish Printshop of Niels Borch Jensen Redefined Artists’ Prints for the Contemporary World

SKU: 9783775750462 Category: Product ID: 299647


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Title: No Plan At All: How the Danish Printshop of Niels Borch Jensen Redefined Artists’ Prints for the Contemporary World
Publication date: 30/09/2021
Price: $90.00
Publishing status: NOT YET PUBLISHED

Whether it’s Georg Baselitz or Olafur Eliasson, Tacita Dean or Martin Kippenberger: these are the greats who have frequented Niels Borch Jensen’s printmaking studio in Copenhagen. And they’ve been coming and going for more than forty years! Not only because of his special, farsighted expertise, which contributes to the congenial creation of unique works of art, but also due to his wish to reject any imposition of aesthetic limitations and to constantly attempt new things. A look at the story of the studio and its founder, therefore, also means taking a look through the kaleidoscope of contemporary art history.

This volume is an excursion behind the scenes at the famous printmaking workshop. Exclusive artist interviews and the personal recollections of Niels Borch Jensen offer intriguing insights into the craft of printmaking and the collaborations with epoch-making artists.

ISBN: 9783775750462
Dimension: 290mm X 230mm
Pages: 288

Additional information

Dimensions 290 × 230 mm