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Nolan Variations, The: The Movies, Mysteries & Marvels of Christopher Nolan


Nolan Variations, The: The Movies, Mysteries & Marvels of Christopher Nolan

SKU: 9780571347988 Category: Product ID: 136487


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Title: Nolan Variations, The: The Movies, Mysteries & Marvels of Christopher Nolan
Publication date: 05/01/2021
Imprint: FABER & FABER
Price: $60.00
Publishing status: Active

The Nolan Variations is a rare, intimate portrait of Christopher Nolan, one of the most profound and commercially successful directors at work today. In this in-depth exploration of his work – including The Dark Knight (2008), Inception (2010) and Dunkirk (2017) – Nolan discusses the evolution of his pictures; his thoughts on time, identity, perception, chaos, and daydreams.

The book has been done with the full cooperation of Nolan, who has opened himself up more fully than ever before in his talks with Tom Shone.

ISBN: 9780571347988
Dimension: 232mm X 184mm
Pages: 400

Additional information

Dimensions 232 × 184 mm