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Other World, the: Animal Portraits


Other World, the: Animal Portraits

SKU: 9788862087476 Category: Product ID: 288989


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Title: Other World, the: Animal Portraits
Publication date: 14/10/2021
Imprint: DAMIANI
Price: $100.00
Publishing status: Active

This spectacular collection of photographs is a follow-up to Wilson’s very successful book, Wild Life, which was published in 2014. With 80 percent new work, stunning landscape format design, a new introduction by Wilson about his philosophy and process, and an essay by Dan Flores, author of the New York Times-bestseller Coyote America, The Other World: Animal Portraits will be a welcome sequel and a strong contender in the popular wildlife photography genre. Although he shoots in the studio, Wilson is inspired by the notion of the \”authentic encounter,\” that is, allowing the animal to reveal itself to us rather than imposing our subjective notions on it or on the portrait.

ISBN: 9788862087476
Dimension: 356mm X 280mm
Pages: 168

Additional information

Dimensions 356 × 280 mm