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Pass Go & Collect $200: The Real Story of How Monopoly Was Invented


Pass Go & Collect $200: The Real Story of How Monopoly Was Invented

SKU: 9781627791687 Categories: , , Product ID: 468818


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Title: Pass Go & Collect $200: The Real Story of How Monopoly Was Invented
Publication date: 17/07/2018
Price: $30.00
Publishing status: Active

Boldness, imagination, and ruthless competition combine in Tanya Lee Stone and Steven Salerno’s Pass Go and Collect $200, a riveting picture book history of Monopoly, one of the world’s most famous games.

In the late 1800s lived Lizzie Magie, a clever and charismatic woman with a strong sense of justice. Waves of urban migration drew Lizzie’s attention to rising financial inequality. One day she had an idea: create a game that shows the unfairness of the landlord-tenant relationship. But game players seemed to have the most fun pretending to be wealthy landowners. Enter Charles Darrow, a marketer and salesman with a vision for transforming Lizzie’s game into an exciting staple of American family entertainment. Features back matter that includes \”Monopoly Math\” word problems and equations. Excellent STEM connections and resources.

Bulletin of Ctr for Child Bks (07/01/2018):
Stone excavates the layers of legend that surround the popular board game now trademarked as Monopoly, hitting paydirt with Lizzie Magie, who, well before the Great Depression, devised a board game she called the Landlord’s Game to amuse and educate adults on how housing monopolies always dealt tenants a losing hand. She patented her game, and although Parker Brothers was not interested, it began to circulate informally, morphing its complex rules and amending its game board along the way. With its roots obscured, the game was ripe for plucking by the out-of-work Charles Darrow, who refined it further, was rebuffed by Parker Brothers, and again sent it into informal circulation until PB noted the error of its ways and made an offer. The previous patent was discovered, Magie was bought off, Darrow took credit, PB made scads of money, and Monopoly became an ironic object lesson of sorts for everything Magie railed against. Stone is a deft hand at balancing historical absurdities with important social themes, and here her picture book format invites middle-grade readers to benefit from a lesson in entrepreneurship, even as they enjoy amassing trivia surrounding a familiar game. Salerno’s retro illustrations recreate the milieu that Rich Uncle Pennybags called home but also include plenty of visual references to the game as it evolved. An author’s note and sources are included, and \”Tremendous Trivia!\” and \”Monopoly Math\” addenda extend the fun. EB

ISBN: 9781627791687
Weight: 300gr

Additional information

Weight 300 g