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Passage to Juneau


Passage to Juneau

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SKU: 9781035034536 Category: Product ID: 798408


Title: Passage to Juneau
Publication date: 27/02/2024
Imprint: PICADOR
Price: $25.00
Publishing status: Active

<b>'His erudition is enorous, his prose as beautiful and clear as the blue ocean on a crisp morning . . . <i>Passage to Juneau</i> is a wonderfully fluid read' – <i>Sunday Times</i> </b>

<i>Passage to Juneau</i> is an account of Raban's voyage from Seattle to the Alaskan capital by boat, and the devastating news that awaits him when he returns to dry land. In Raban's capable hands, the passage from Seattle to Alaska is less a journey than a backdrop for musings on history, art, myth, and philosophy.

Reissued with a new introduction from Robert Macfarlane, author of <i>Underland: A Deep Time Journey</i>, this is extraordinary travel writing, defying at every turns the constrains of genre.

<b>'Raban at his best' – Ian McEwan</b>

ISBN: 9781035034536
Weight: 300gr
Dimension: 198mm X 129mm
Pages: 448
Edition: 01

Additional information

Weight 300 g
Dimensions 198 × 129 mm