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Pathways to Success: Taking Conservation to Scale in Complex Systems


Pathways to Success: Taking Conservation to Scale in Complex Systems

SKU: 9781642831351 Category: Product ID: 403989


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Title: Pathways to Success: Taking Conservation to Scale in Complex Systems
Publication date: 28/02/2022
Price: $60.00
Publishing status: Active

As environmental problems grow larger and more pressing, conservationists have had to adapt. With a shrinking
window of time to act, they are turning to broad approaches to combat continental- and global-scale crises of biodiversity
loss, invasive species, and climate change. Pathways to Success-the long-awaited successor to the classic volume Measures
of Success-is a modern guide to building large-scale transformative programs capable of tackling the complex
conservation crises we face today.
In this strikingly illustrated volume, coauthors Nick Salafsky and Richard Margoluis walk readers through fundamental
concepts of effective program-level design, helping them to think strategically about project coordination, funding, and
stakeholder input. Chapters in the first part of the book look at all aspects of designing and implementing large-scale
conservation programs while the second part focuses on how to use data and information to manage, adapt, and learn
from program strategies. In addition, the authors offer practical advice for avoiding pitfalls, such as formulaic recipes and
simplistic silver-bullet solutions that can trip up otherwise well-intentioned efforts. Abundant graphics help to explain
and clarify concepts presented in the text, and a glossary in the back matter defines technical terms for the reader.

Pathways to Success is the definitive guide for conservation program managers and funders who want to increase the scale
and effectiveness of their work combating biodiversity loss, climate change, and other pressing environmental issues.

ISBN: 9781642831351
Dimension: 254mm X 178mm
Pages: 304

Additional information

Dimensions 254 × 178 mm