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Say It


Say It

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SKU: 9781648230264 Category: Product ID: 802640


Title: Say It
Illustrator: DIEGO ESTEBO
Publication date: 20/03/2024
Price: $33.00
Publishing status: Active

Say It urges everyone to speak their truth, to share their feelings, and get it off their chests! Whatever is on your mind, whatever is burdening your soul, SAY IT!

Our young protagonist Nika has a really big problem. She carries around a secret & wants to tell someone, though Nika is afraid people will laugh at her. Or worse, they may get angry! When she can’t take it anymore, she tells her friend Hailu. The moment her truth tumbles out, the secret doesn’t seem so big or unapproachable. Nika immediately feels that she can find community connection through emotional honesty—a tool all Young Readers can use in their emotional growth journey.

Say It will help children find the courage to be themselves, to take away the burden of hiding feelings and to feel they are not alone.

Diego Estebo’s illustration style—with scribbling, layering, quick linework and thoughtful color choices—reflects deep feelings that Young Readers will relate to on each page.

ISBN: 9781648230264
Weight: 338gr
Dimension: 279mm X 203mm
Pages: 32

Additional information

Weight 338 g
Dimensions 279 × 203 × 3 mm