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Stone Will Answer: A Journey Guided by Craft, Myth and Geology


Stone Will Answer: A Journey Guided by Craft, Myth and Geology

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SKU: 9781529920499 Category: Product ID: 809080


Title: Stone Will Answer: A Journey Guided by Craft, Myth and Geology
Publication date: 07/05/2024
Imprint: VINTAGE
Price: $25.00
Publishing status: Active

A beautiful memoir, travelogue, and meditation on stone and the transformative power of craft, by young stone mason Beatrice Searle.

A beautiful memoir, travelogue and meditation on stone by artist and stone mason Beatrice Searle.

‘A magnificent book’ Alex Woodcock
‘Exceptional’ Kerri Andrews
‘Luminous’ Spectator

At the age of twenty-six, artist and Cathedral stonemason Beatrice Searle crossed the North Sea and walked 500 miles along a medieval pilgrim path through Southern Norway, taking with her a 40-kilogram Orcadian stone.

Fascinated with the mysterious footprint stones of Northern Europe and the ancient Greco-Roman world, stones closely associated with travellers, saints and the inauguration of Kings, she follows in their footsteps as her stone becomes a talisman, a bedrock and an offering to those she meets along the way.

Stone Will Answer is an unusual adventure story of journeys practical, spiritual and geological, of weight and motion, and an insight into a beguiling craft.

ISBN: 9781529920499
Pages: 352
Edition: 01