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Turning Point, The: A Year that Changed Dickens & the World


Turning Point, The: A Year that Changed Dickens & the World

SKU: 9781784708337 Category: Product ID: 446264


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Title: Turning Point, The: A Year that Changed Dickens & the World
Publication date: 30/08/2022
Imprint: VINTAGE
Price: $25.00
Publishing status: Active

The year is 1851. It’s a time of radical change in Britain, when industrial miracles and artistic innovations rub shoulders with political unrest, poverty and disease. It’s also a turbulent time in the private life of Charles Dickens, as he copes with a double bereavement and early signs that his marriage is falling apart. But this formative year will become perhaps the greatest turning point in Dickens’s career, as he embraces his calling as a chronicler of ordinary people’s lives, and develops a new form of writing that will reveal just how interconnected the world is becoming.

The Turning Point transports us into the foggy streets of Dickens’s London, closely following the twists and turns of a year that would come to define him, and forever alter Britain’s relationship with the world. Fully illustrated, and brimming with fascinating details about the larger-than-life man who wrote Bleak House, this is the closest look yet at one of the greatest literary personalities ever to have lived.

ISBN: 9781784708337
Pages: 368
Edition: 01