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Unreal: Can you tell fact from fake?


Unreal: Can you tell fact from fake?

SKU: 9781761180347 Categories: , Product ID: 818138


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Title: Unreal: Can you tell fact from fake?
Illustrator: RUDGE LEILA
Publication date: 02/07/2024
Imprint: ALLEN & UNWIN
Price: $29.99
Publishing status: NOT YET PUBLISHED

There’s been a mix-up at the Museum – some of the displays from the Myths and Legends exhibit have snuck into the Natural History wing.
We have to sort it out, but how can we tell fact from fiction? Animal from apparition? Megafauna from monster?

Kids will have fun guessing which animals and plants are real and which are fake in this extraordinary exhibition of the strange and wonderful animals and plants that inhabit our world … and our imaginations. And a brilliant guide to help us know what to look for when tracking down truths.

ISBN: 9781761180347
Weight: 696g
Dimension: 300mm X 250mm
Pages: 64

Additional information

Weight 696 g
Dimensions 300 × 250 mm