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Who the Hell is Muller-Brockmann?: Conversations about the Swiss Style


Who the Hell is Muller-Brockmann?: Conversations about the Swiss Style

SKU: 9783721210071 Category: Product ID: 299720


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Title: Who the Hell is Muller-Brockmann?: Conversations about the Swiss Style
Publication date: 25/11/2021
Price: $29.99
Publishing status: NOT YET PUBLISHED

How can typesetting or a grid have such a strong and long-time impact on a global community and emotionalize it to such a degree? Which stories are hiding behind the success and failure of a design manifesto? How can cultural exchange bring new value to the field of graphic design? At the end of the day, is the contemporary scene still truly innovative or simply basking in past glories?

The concept of this one-week long artistic research project which raised these and many other related questions, was to hold conversations to discuss discuss anecdotes, stories, scandals and jealousies with typographers, graphic designers, artists, curators, and writers in a project space. Each guest was also asked to bring a design artefact that represents the diverse interactions of Swiss typography with the international design scene, all of which are presented in this volume. This builds a bridge between the typographic traditions and practices of the two countries, celebrating dialog and collaboration without ignoring divergence and conflicts.

ISBN: 9783721210071
Dimension: 186mm X 116mm
Pages: 208

Additional information

Dimensions 186 × 116 mm